Recently in Meaningless Category

Happy 2008

Happy New Year

It's 2008, and summer is here. Hooray!

By msqr, 05 Jan 2008 at 10:03 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless Tags:

Your grandchildren will talk about this

An amazing thing is happening here in New Zealand, and it's just in time for the holiday season. I captured this ship-hot moment on video, you'll have to watch it yourself to believe it. Perhaps the event will come to a city near you (one can only hope!).

By msqr, 15 Dec 2007 at 14:04 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless Tags:

Ahoy, me hearties!

Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Arrr, ye scurvy dogs!

By msqr, 19 Sep 2006 at 19:26 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless Tags:

The 70's were brown, green, and mustard

Matt in red jumper

I recently received a package of goodies that included some slides dated from the 1970s. They certainly have gorgeous color. I wonder if everything really looked this way, even without the aid of hallucinogens.

By msqr, 09 Aug 2006 at 02:17 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless Tags: , ,

Busy times

I found some beer at Minette's parent's house... vintage mid-1960's.

Vintage Beer

I installed hooks and hung our hammock.


So much to see and do.

By msqr, 15 Jul 2006 at 20:52 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless Tags: ,


29 must be my and Minette's lucky number. Our flat in San Francisco was number 29, then on the 29th of May we purchased a house in Auckland, also number 29. Perhaps it is time to buy a lotto ticket.

By msqr, 20 Jun 2006 at 22:30 | | Comments (1)
Category: Meaningless Tags:



By msqr, 17 May 2006 at 21:19 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless Tags:

Lucy "Ate My Mate" Green, championship rally driver

Lucy Green

By msqr, 23 Apr 2006 at 21:24 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless Tags:

#@$!#@* computers

Minette and I left Auckland on the 26th of March for a three week vacation to Wellington and the South Island. Late on the night of that very same day the hard drive on died. Thus has been dead for a few weeks. I guess I'm not too bad off since after the last time the hard drive crashed on I implemented some more stringent backup procedures... but @#&^$!! what are the chances of that? It's been less than 2 years since the last drive failure. At least the last drive had the decency to fail after I got back from vacation.

Computers can be so damn lame.

By msqr, 18 Apr 2006 at 02:26 | | Comments (6)
Category: Meaningless Tags:

Summer holidays

Mt. Ngauruhoe

It's been beautiful over the high summer holiday season here: warm, sunny, and rainy. Sometimes all at once. I've got a few photos from some camera-worthy outings. First, Minette and I joined William and Cecile and their family for another Tongariro Crossing tramp. Second, Minette and I were invited to our friend Amy's father's bach (kiwi for summer cottage) on the island of Kawau, less than an hour's drive north from Auckland.

By msqr, 13 Jan 2006 at 18:03 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless Tags: , , has finally migrated to New Zealand, too, as of about a week ago. Since Minette & I moved here had been living at a friend's office in San Francisco. It took about a week for it to fly from there to here, including time to clear customs. Everything went according to plan, and the only hiccup was the disruption of email service during that week.

To celebrate's new dual citizenship, he is now also (affectionately) known as Turns out New Zealand does not allow arbitrary 2-level names, so was not possible. The 3rd-level names are pre-defined, and the only one that actually described was .geek, as described in the official New Zealand government documentation:

For people who are concentrative, technically skilled and imaginative who are generally adept with computer [sic]

Apparently it's also for people who speak in strange sentence structures.

By msqr, 01 Jan 2006 at 20:45 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless Tags:

You lookin' at me?


By msqr, 08 Dec 2005 at 17:15 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless

Good times with a mower in Edmonton

Matt pushes Chad and Tore on lawn tractor

I found this series of photos while tidying up around home. Mostly I was drawn to the gorgeous color of the old film stock. These were taken in Edmonton, Alberta, during one summer's visit there, sometime in the early 1980's I suspect.

By msqr, 06 Dec 2005 at 11:50 | | Comments (2)
Category: Meaningless Tags: , ,

36,000 year old timber

Chest register

A company in New Zealand makes furniture out of Kauri (a native New Zealand wood) dredged out of swamps in the northern parts of the country and radiocarbon dated to be 36,000 year old. We like recycling, so Minette and I got a chest of drawers.

By msqr, 01 Dec 2005 at 18:44 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless Tags:

Steamy Puritan romance

Recently I stumbled upon some old computer files, and ran across this one from a high school English class. The only reason I can think of for having to write this would be from assignment following the reading of The Scarlet Letter.

It seemed an oddly appropriate tale for Thanksgiving, and there was at least one surprise find (which I won't spoil here, and you'll be forced to find out out of curiosity).

So Happy Thanksgiving, America. You've come a long way.

By msqr, 23 Nov 2005 at 22:10 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless Tags:

Turdus merula

Turdus merula

AKA a blackbird. This particular one has been having a field day, literally, in our back yard every since I mowed the lawn. He's been hopping here and there all day, cocking his head to one side and snatching up tasty little somethings. The lawn had gotten a bit out of control, perhaps I exposed a bunch of yummy creepy crawly things.

By msqr, 23 Oct 2005 at 21:35 | | Comments (2)
Category: Meaningless Tags:

Back in New Zealand


Minette and I are in fact in New Zealand. We found a place to live and everything; we've moved out of the box from under the highway overpass (which is why you haven't heard much from us in a while) and have successfully integrated back into normal, everyday Kiwi life/style.

I've put some photos up showing some recent activity, including some shots of our new digs!

Minette and I also went for a long-weekend vacation down to Wellington to visit Cecile and William's family there, and I've put some photos up from there as well.

By msqr, 22 Oct 2005 at 22:59 | | Comments (2)
Category: Meaningless Tags: ,



Bryan took this on his cool phone before Minette and I shuffled off half way around the world.

Speaking of which, we made it! So far, so good.

By msqr, 11 Oct 2005 at 01:04 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless

I am

I am grateful

By msqr, 14 Aug 2005 at 12:49 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless

Hasta la vista... mate?


By msqr, 16 Jun 2005 at 14:10 | | Comments (2)
Category: Meaningless

Crystal balls

It rained in San Francisco a few days ago. That's unusual for this time of year. Just as the rains were passing, I noticed some mysterious pearls on my lupinus arboreus outside:

Crystal Balls

And I was happy. Later I looked a little closer at the picture, and was a little surprised at what I saw.

By msqr, 14 Jun 2005 at 18:27 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless

What is... Henrietta?


By msqr, 12 Apr 2005 at 20:16 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless

Rocky Mt. elk friends

Rocky Mt. elk friend

Last week I was in Colorado, up in the Rocky Mountains west of Denver, and ran across these guys all over the place!

By msqr, 01 Apr 2005 at 19:31 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless

Spring in the City

Spring is in full force here in San Francisco and I've been getting to know a new camera. I've posted some photos of my spoils. I can be a little obsessive about nature close-ups, but what the hey, I never tire.

By msqr, 11 Mar 2005 at 18:03 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless

Food Grows Where Water Flows

Food Grows Where Water Flows

These signs are scattered up and down the California Central Valley. If you've read (or seen the documentary) Cadillac Desert, you know how true those words are!

By msqr, 07 Jan 2005 at 19:29 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless


Matt and Minette, I don't have your email addresses. Are you guys going to New Zealand soon? Is it permanent? Are you already there? Do you want to come visit us between 12/21 and 12/30, when Jan and Dick will be here? Are these the hardest questions anyone has asked you in a long time?

13 Dec 2004 at 11:22 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless

f l o w e r p o w e r


By msqr, 01 Dec 2004 at 18:18 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless

Evil cube threat eliminated

Thank goodness the Department of Homeland Security is actively pursuing security threats.

By msqr, 29 Oct 2004 at 08:32 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless


I've been working on a new project recently. It's basically a recipe database. If you've got a favorite recipe you'd like to share, why not cruise on over to iEat and add it in! There are plenty of quirks in the application, but hopefully it's intuitive enough to work with.

One note, if you're still using a crap browser like Internet Explorer, snap out of it and get yourself Firefox already! If you're on a Mac then Safari works, too.

By msqr, 08 Oct 2004 at 14:57 | | Comments (1)
Category: Meaningless

OB/GYN's must be allowed to practice free love

President Bush recently disclosed his concern that many OB/GYN's across America are not able to make it with their patients.

By msqr, 07 Sep 2004 at 10:38 | | Comments (1)
Category: Meaningless


I found my 8th/9th grade diary this weekend. Here is a line from it: "I am so bored right now, just watching Miami Vice."

23 Aug 2004 at 10:05 | | Comments (2)
Category: Meaningless


My tummy hurts.

16 Aug 2004 at 11:32 | | Comments (6)
Category: Meaningless


Sunset into the fog

San Francisco has a reputation for being foggy in the summer. It's quite true, but I love watching the fog. At least when I'm looking at it from in the sunshine. I snagged this video (40", 3.2 MB; also available at 1.4 MB or 336 KB) yesterday from atop my favorite perch above the city. These were taken on my little digital camera, thus the quality is something to be desired.

Also, here's an experiment in mood swings: the same video, this time with either joyful or sobering musical accompaniment (each 3.9 MB). Which do you prefer?

By msqr, 10 Aug 2004 at 09:31 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless

My Cup

My Cup

By msqr, 01 Aug 2004 at 11:38 | | Comments (1)
Category: Meaningless

Jury duty

Jury badge

By msqr, 23 Jul 2004 at 13:37 | | Comments (1) | TrackBacks (0)
Category: Meaningless

Yet another fun Ask the Pilot

I love Salon's Ask The Pilot column. The author, Patrick Smith, cracks me up and I have been interested in all things flying ever since I started commuting by jet for work. The latest installment carries the column on quite well, and if you've never read this column check out the previous ones!

By msqr, 21 Jul 2004 at 15:37 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless

What is, anyway?

I thought I could bait you, the reader, into asking what in earth is. Nobody took the bait, however, leaving me pondering the reasons. Perhaps you are not curious. Perhaps you are afraid to ask out of distrust: could be a Newton server running foreign software for all you know. Perhaps you couldn't care less. All valid reasons, so here I'll attempt to dispel the myth of, once and for all.

By msqr, 19 Jul 2004 at 07:39 | | Comments (3) | TrackBacks (0)
Category: Meaningless

m^2 debut

This website is an attempt to provide a medium of communication for my family and close friends. I keep wanting some way, other than email, for us to share thoughts with one another. I say other than email because of a few reasons. First, I myself am a terrible emailer, as just about anyone reading this can attest to. Second, a blog like this allows for a different way of communicating, sort of a "here it is, take it if you want but if you don't feel like responding that's OK" kind of way. Third, I see friends of mine using blogs successfully and keep thinking "My family is full of tech savvy folks, we can do that, too!"

So this is a start. This site isn't complete by any means. The plan is to make the site such that all of us can post messages. We're all adults (as the youngest I can confirm this) and we're all living different lives. Some of us talk frequently, some hardly at all. No need to pretend any differently. Anybody can post, anybody can response. One thing leads to another...

I'm having some issues with the software making this thing work, however, at a technical and philosophical level. But I'm working through the issues, never fear. In the end I'll post instructions on how you can make posts. For now you'll be limited to making comments to things I've posted (if you want something posted in the mean time, I can post it for you).

Finally, I've designed this site to my personal tastes. You could have your very own blog, however, if you desired. It's pretty easy for me to set up, it would just run on this website, say or or or or You could even put a picture of your favorite plant or animal on there, it's entirely up to you.

Or you can just use this blog, of which you may be wondering a few things: what is "m^2"? What is ""? What is that background image? Perhaps those questions are enough to engage you in your conclusions, in the form of a comment? Click on "Comments" to continue...

By msqr, 13 Jul 2004 at 21:56 | | Comments (3)
Category: Meaningless
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