Jury duty

Jury badge

I was summoned to jury duty a few days ago. I thought I might be exempt because I served on a jury not too long ago and a person is exempt from jury duty for a year after serving. After some hunting around for my old summons I found out that "not too long ago" was actually almost 2 years ago, my how time flies.

The trial I served on then dealt with a man accused of 2 counts of pimping, 2 counts of pandering, 2 counts of assault, and 1 count of grand theft. The DA's main witness was a young girl who was claiming to have worked for the defendant as a prostitute and was also the victim of the assaults and theft. The trial was thoroughly depressing as day after day we learned great many details about the sex industry in San Francisco.

In the end we found the defendant guilty of all but 1 count of pimping and 1 count of pandering, and that was because not everybody felt the evidence was sufficient "beyond a reasonable doubt" on those two counts. To be honest, I felt otherwise.

Have you been on a jury?

By msqr, 23 Jul 2004 at 13:37 | | Comments (1) | TrackBacks (0)
Category: Meaningless

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Bryan said:

For fear of being called for jury duty, I shall refrain from answering this question directly...

A close friend of mine had jury duty for a man who raised fighting roosters... It's amazing how detailed that industry really is...

What gets me is, there are people who raise these things in California... When you think of cock fighting, you don't usually think Bakersfield, CA...

On an even more backward note, supposedly, cock fighting is still legal in Arizona. However, breeding these mean chickens (and they are mean) isn't legal in Arizona, so they have to resort to black market breeders, like the one my friend put in jail (for six months, I think).

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