Back in New Zealand


Minette and I are in fact in New Zealand. We found a place to live and everything; we've moved out of the box from under the highway overpass (which is why you haven't heard much from us in a while) and have successfully integrated back into normal, everyday Kiwi life/style.

I've put some photos up showing some recent activity, including some shots of our new digs!

Minette and I also went for a long-weekend vacation down to Wellington to visit Cecile and William's family there, and I've put some photos up from there as well.

By msqr, 22 Oct 2005 at 22:59 | | Comments (2)
Category: Meaningless Tags: ,


Chad said:

Hey Matt.....I hadn't been to your site since August! Great you have more of your place (interior)?

The photos of Montreal/Toronto were great too.

Hope all is well. Have you got your stuff from port yet?
What's the latest plans for your 'wedding'?

One more question - do you live closer to Skull Island or The Shire? hahaha Not much longer before Peter is prime minister/president/king of NZ, eh!

msqr Author Profile Page said:

In fact our stuff arrived from the US a week ago today! It's sort of like Christmas, but in some ways not. Like when we unpack a box with some clothes in it that I never wear and I think, why did I ship that? It's very very nice to have our kitchen stuff again, though. We've been living off a single borrowed pot and 2 forks and 2 plates until now.

I saw in the airport when we landed a book you might like, it was called something like "Lord of the Rings Travel Guide to New Zealand". It contained info on all the locations used in the film. Better start saving your miles to come see them!

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