Meaningless: October 2005 Archives

Turdus merula

Turdus merula

AKA a blackbird. This particular one has been having a field day, literally, in our back yard every since I mowed the lawn. He's been hopping here and there all day, cocking his head to one side and snatching up tasty little somethings. The lawn had gotten a bit out of control, perhaps I exposed a bunch of yummy creepy crawly things.

By msqr, 23 Oct 2005 at 21:35 | | Comments (2)
Category: Meaningless Tags:

Back in New Zealand


Minette and I are in fact in New Zealand. We found a place to live and everything; we've moved out of the box from under the highway overpass (which is why you haven't heard much from us in a while) and have successfully integrated back into normal, everyday Kiwi life/style.

I've put some photos up showing some recent activity, including some shots of our new digs!

Minette and I also went for a long-weekend vacation down to Wellington to visit Cecile and William's family there, and I've put some photos up from there as well.

By msqr, 22 Oct 2005 at 22:59 | | Comments (2)
Category: Meaningless Tags: ,



Bryan took this on his cool phone before Minette and I shuffled off half way around the world.

Speaking of which, we made it! So far, so good.

By msqr, 11 Oct 2005 at 01:04 | | Comments (0)
Category: Meaningless
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