Into Thin Air

Only 6 or so years late, I finally read Into Thin Air. Wow was this ever hard to put down. And wow have I changed my mind for even visiting Everest Base Camp. Sorry Jeff & Sofia, I'm out!

By msqr, 24 Jan 2005 at 19:05 | | Comments (0)
Category: Books


JS said:

Log date 2005-01-24: Sophia and I have achieved our 2004 objectives only 3 weeks late, possibly pushing the intial Everest ascent date back approximately one month to 2015-06-18. However, we believe we can overcome this minor setback if we are able to shave 7 minutes off our weekly Saturday morning swim to Alcatraz by June of this year.

msqr Author Profile Page said:

Oh so THAT's who I keep passing on Saturdays. You two are hard to recognize from my goggles.

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