Saudi PR campaign
Speaking of full-page ads, the government of Saudi Arabia has been running full-page ads in The New Republic for months, which I find quite interesting. Also interesting are the full page ads by Exxon Mobil and Shell, but those are a whole different story…
Icelandic democracy in action
I’ve wanted to visit Iceland for quite some time, mostly from the perspective of exploring the fantastic landscapes. The Icelandic people have taken the time to place a full-page ad in the New York Times explaining their view on their government’s participation in the war in Iraq. It’s nice to see democracy in action. You go, Iceland!
Ostrander Ski Hut
Last weekend Minette & I joined up with some friends and ran out to Yosemite to snowshoe to the Ostrander Ski Hut out in the wilderness above the Yosemite Valley. We lucked out with some awesome weather (especially considering the weather in California lately) which made the 10 mile hike rather enjoyable.
What to Do with Old Electronics
Found a handy page with info about what to do with old electronic gear.
Food Grows Where Water Flows
Dismantling America's weapons of mass destruction
I finally got around to reading an article on tearing down an anthrax production facility on Fort Detrick, Maryland, in 2003. “Between 1954 and 1965, Army scientists there turned out more than three tons of the microbes that cause anthrax, tularemia, brucellosis, and other deadly diseases – some of the same types of pathogens the United States was planning to remove from Iraq.”
Matt and Minette, I don’t have your email addresses. Are you guys going to New Zealand soon? Is it permanent? Are you already there? Do you want to come visit us between 12/21 and 12/30, when Jan and Dick will be here? Are these the hardest questions anyone has asked you in a long time?
f l o w e r p o w e r
Moral conscious of America?
Two articles I recently came across that by themselves are not earth shattering, but the fact they were published at the same time is very interesting. In the first, defeated representative Brad Carson of Oaklahoma talks about red-state America rejecting “the general direction of American culture”. Then, another article reveals the top-rated network television programs in these same areas (along with the rest of the country) to be awash in sex and violence. I guess it’s hard to resist all that sin.
Democrat "Ownership Society"
Republicans invision an “ownership society”, where all things are private and free markets reign. Elliot Spitzer recently had an interesting article talking about how Democrats should explain how their adgenda attempts to solve the failures of those policies.
Freedom to Farm
I started reading Thomas Frank’s What’s the Matter with Kansas? recently, and it’s really interesting. I especially liked this excerpt that talks about the Freedom to Farm Act of 1996. It’s funny the way congress names bills, I think. Who would possibly say “I don’t want any freedom in my farming!” But titles can be so deceiving…
Religion at the workplace
Another interesting article about religion in the US, this time focusing on faith at the workplace.
Without a Doubt
This article from the NY Times Magazine in October was really interesting, about religious decision making by George W. Bush: Without a Doubt
I heart "I Heart Huckabees"
Minette and I saw I
Huckabees last Friday, and I came out of it seriously wishing reality was just like that movie. This was the best comedy to come out of Hollywood is some time!
Evil cube threat eliminated
Thank goodness the Department of Homeland Security is actively pursuing security threats.
I’ve been working on a new project recently. It’s basically a recipe database. If you’ve got a favorite recipe you’d like to share, why not cruise on over to iEat and add it in! There are plenty of quirks in the application, but hopefully it’s intuitive enough to work with.
Fear and Loathing in NYC
Found this video from my friend Brahm’s blog. Yowza!
Pollution is not a family value
Came across an interesting interview with Martha Marks, founder of Republicans for Environmental Protection.
Trinity Alps
Minette & I stole away last weekend up to the Trinity Alps Wilderness, which is west of Redding in northern California. We didn’t see any bears, unfortunately, but everything else was fantastic. I put some photos of the trip here. One more thing, if you’re ever traveling up there along the 5 and are getting hungy, pull off in Willows and visit the Brown Bear Diner! Ummm… good find.
<i>Pumping Iron</i> director's new film!
George Butler, of Pumping Iron (and Pumping Iron II) fame, has made a new documentary called Going Upriver about no other than John Kerry regarding none other than his Vietnam experiences. Now this should be interesting!
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