September 11, 2004

Kings Canyon bears all

Minette & I, joined with friends Don & Rebecca, recently did a 6-day hike in Kings Canyon National Park. It was totally gorgeous, and aside from a little thunderstorm at the start and a weird condensation problem one night, we had glorious hot days and cool, star-filled nights. The trail started at the end of the CA 180, due east of Fresno, at 5,036'. We climbed as high as 12,466'.

I've put some pictures up from my camera (Minette hasn't developed her film yet). We saw no less than 3 bears, all on the last day, and plenty of deer, a rattle snake, a marmot, some horses, and despite the ranger telling us on the outset that he "hadn't seen any" mosquitoes lately, plenty of mozzies below 7,000'.

Posted by Matt at September 11, 2004 2:13 PM
Comments (1)

Great pics!

The Yoga break looks painful. I look at that and think, "I'd have to dig a hole for the belly if I were to attempt that."

And, I'm still crying with laughter over your artistic license in those bear pictures.

Posted by: Bryan at September 15, 2004 2:24 PM
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