September 2004 Archives

Pumping Iron director's new film!

George Butler, of Pumping Iron (and Pumping Iron II) fame, has made a new documentary called Going Upriver about no other than John Kerry regarding none other than his Vietnam experiences. Now this should be interesting!

By msqr, 29 Sep 2004 at 16:19 | | Comments (0)
Category: Film

Afghanistan, Iraq, whatever... I've been to Italy!

Bush confused Iraq with Afghansitan, in front of Allawi, sort of like parents mixing up their kids' names.

By msqr, 29 Sep 2004 at 08:15 | | Comments (0)
Category: Politics

Football Fans for Truth

This site is hilarious, and includes poetry Kerry has read to deer while hunting!

By msqr, 29 Sep 2004 at 07:49 | | Comments (0)
Category: Politics

Earthquake today

We got a little quake today that I felt... my desk rocked gently for 10-15 seconds, then went away. I saw a report about a 5.9 or so out in the Central Valley...

By msqr, 28 Sep 2004 at 11:14 | | Comments (0)
Category: Outdoors

Far graver than Vietnam

Former head of the NSA calls the present situation in Iraq "...far graver than Vietnam. There wasn't as much at stake strategically, though in both cases we mindlessly went ahead with the war that was not constructive for US aims. But now we're in a region far more volatile, and we're in much worse shape with our allies." Reported in the Guardian.

By msqr, 22 Sep 2004 at 14:02 | | Comments (4)
Category: Politics

Kerry to English translation

Slate has a concise take on Kerry's nuance vs. Bush's disregard.

By msqr, 20 Sep 2004 at 22:24 | | Comments (0)
Category: Politics

Baghdad Year Zero

I found this article from the latest Harper's particularly interesting in its examination of the US's shaping of Iraq's govornment/economy. It pits the "pragmatists" versus the neoconservative "year zeroists" in a plot that reads like a fiction thriller. Sadly this is our reality.

By msqr, 12 Sep 2004 at 21:47 | | Comments (0)
Category: Politics

Kings Canyon bears all

Minette & I, joined with friends Don & Rebecca, recently did a 6-day hike in Kings Canyon National Park. It was totally gorgeous, and aside from a little thunderstorm at the start and a weird condensation problem one night, we had glorious hot days and cool, star-filled nights. The trail started at the end of the CA 180, due east of Fresno, at 5,036'. We climbed as high as 12,466'.

I've put some pictures up from my camera (Minette hasn't developed her film yet). We saw no less than 3 bears, all on the last day, and plenty of deer, a rattle snake, a marmot, some horses, and despite the ranger telling us on the outset that he "hadn't seen any" mosquitoes lately, plenty of mozzies below 7,000'.

By msqr, 11 Sep 2004 at 14:13 | | Comments (1)
Category: Outdoors

UM professor gets cocky on Iraq

University of Michigan professor Juan Cole has a thing or two to say about the current situation in Iraq. He claims to not want to sound cocky, but even though he does come off that way you have to admit he does have enough justification to say "I told you so!" and has many an interesting point to make.

By msqr, 09 Sep 2004 at 22:07 | | Comments (0)
Category: Politics

OB/GYN's must be allowed to practice free love

President Bush recently disclosed his concern that many OB/GYN's across America are not able to make it with their patients.

By msqr, 07 Sep 2004 at 10:38 | | Comments (1)
Category: Meaningless

Everybody for Truth now!

Isn't this election campaign just a hoot? First those SBVT folks sought the truth, now Texas citizens seek it, too.

By msqr, 07 Sep 2004 at 09:59 | | Comments (0)
Category: Politics Death, and Resurrection

Minette and I ran off into the bear-infested wilds of Kings Canyon last week, and although we made it safely (but did have close encounters of the bear kind!) the morning after we returned I got up only to notice a strange sound, not unlike a bear snorting, coming from the office.

By msqr, 02 Sep 2004 at 17:43 | | Comments (1)
Category: Tech
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